ISSN : 2287-8327
This study was carried out to analyze the soil properties of Lepista nuda habitats to form a partof the studies on the characteristics of L. nuda. The soil samples colected from seven studied areas were investigated for soil properties such as soil moisture, soil pH, and the contents of organic and inorganic maters. The content of soil moisture was 29.7% and the content of organic mater was 32.1%. Total nitrogen was 0.74% and soil pH was 4.75, which was ranged from 3.6 to 5.20. In the content of inorganic mater, the content of Fe was highest as 1,024 ppm, K 183 ppm, Mn 21.9 ppm, Ca 2.02 ppm, Zn 1.46 ppm and Mg was lowest as 0.51 ppm.
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