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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

Effects of Self Message Type and Incidental Pride Type on Product Purchase Intention

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2019, v.10 no.10, pp.53-65
CHOI, Nak-Hwan


Purpose - Current study aimed at investigating the effects of the choice easiness as a thought triggered at the time of making decision and the goal achievement emotion as a prediction of how consumers feel in the state of achieving consumption goal on brand purchase intention. And It also explored moderation role of incidental pride type such as ambient hubris pride and ambient authentic pride felt before the event in the effects of message type such as self-verifying message and self-enhancing message on the choice easiness and the goal achievement emotion. Research design, data, and methodology - Message type was divided into self-verifying message and self-enhancing message. Incidental pride type was divided into hubris and authentic pride. Smart mobile phone was selected for empirical study. And the experiment was performed with 2(pride type: hubristic versus authentic) × 2(message type: self-verifying message versus self-enhancing message) between-subjects design. Questionnaires from 215 undergraduate students were used to test hypotheses by Macro process model 7. The hypotheses were tested at each of self-verifying message group and self-enhancing message group. Results - First, both choice easiness and goal achievement emotion positively influenced on the purchase intention at both self-verifying message group and self-enhancing message group. Second, at self-verifying message group, the positive effects of self verification on both choice easiness and goal achievement emotion were higher to the customers under incidental hubris pride than to those under incidental authentic pride customers. Third, at self-enhancing message group, the positive effects of self enhancement on goal achievement emotion were higher to the customers under incidental authentic pride than to those under incidental hubris pride. However, at self-enhancing message group, the positive effects of self enhancement on choice easiness (goal achievement emotion) were not higher (higher) to the customers under incidental authentic pride than to those under incidental hubris pride. Conclusions - Focusing on the results of this study, to promote their brand purchase intention, brand managers should use self-enhancing message to induce goal achievement emotion from incidental authentic pride customers. And the brand managers should develop and use self-verifying message to induce choice easiness as well as goal achievement emotion from hubris pride customers, which in turn, promote their brand purchase intention.

Choice Easiness, Goal Achievement Emotion, Message Type, Purchase Intention, Pride Type



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business