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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

Vol.1 No.1

(Myongji University) ; (Myongji University) ; (Chodang University) ; (Daejeon Health Sciences College) ; (Eulji University) pp.7-14

The retail business of drugstore was introduced to Korea for the first time 10 years ago. Since Olive Young introduced a retail store in the name of drugstore in 1999 for the first time in Korea, new distribution channel combining drugstore, cosmetic products and dairy products, etc has been made. At initial stage, the new distribution channel grew up slowly because of low specialty and economic stagnation. However, the three big distribution channels, that is to say, Olive Young (CJ), Watsons (GS) and W Store (Kolon Well Care), etc, were established to produce new distribution system following large-scaled discount stores as well as convenience stores. The purpose of the study is to investigate ways making Korean style drugstore be new retail business in addition to traditional markets, department stores, E-Mart and other general super markets and to examine problems preventing the drugstore from being promoted and to find out solutions. The speciality retailers that is called a category killer attacking department stores as well as marts is expanding market quickly. New consumption trend that gives priority to wellbeing is being expanded in accordance with high level of standards of living life: The drugstore is thought to be new alternative of distribution because it keeps special products. Young ladies who are main customers of drugstores respond to the trend sensitively to have more buying power that is thought to be promising. And, consumers' desire has become concrete and special. This is because consumers want not only convenient shopping but also special shopping system that is current trend. These days, so called Multi-shop and Total shop and other special shops have been recently opened. Special multi-shop has been concentrated on fashion product and miscellaneous goods so far: Health total wellbeing shop shall be popular in accordance with wellbeing trends. Drugstores can play an important role. Drugstores were opened for the first time ten years ago. In particular, Olive Young succeeded in going into the black after making efforts for a long time by many persons. Drugstores could succeed in the business owing to many persons in the past as well as customers who liked drugstores. However, drugstores once lost ways and recorded poor business results. The three drugstores, that is to say, Olive Young, Watsons making efforts to go into the black and W-Store pursuing traditional drugstore shall compete each other and make effort to satisfy customers' desire. In that way, the three drugstores can be assured of present business as well as future business. The consumers' demand trend has become special at sub-division so that drugstores that can satisfy the demand can succeed in the business. Large businesses may be more interested in the 4th generation retail business to produce good income and to have bright future. Drugstore business and market are likely to expand and develop owing to large business' participation in drugstore business. Drugstores expanded shop at Seoul and Gyeonggi-do until middle of 2000. Drugstore business at station sphere in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do that have high ratio of temporary population has low customer loyalty to have limitation on continuous growth. Since 2009, drugstores have opened new shops at local towns: From the year of 2010, drugstores need to establish multiple shop strategy by accelerating business speed and to allow customers to drop in the shop anywhere in the nation and to enter consumers' life deeply, so that they can strengthen business base definitely. Drugstores need to have price competitiveness to have multiple shop opening strategy and to satisfy consumers and to supply high quality services that is future subject to solve. And, Olive Young and Watsons that are Korean style drugstore need to keep system in order and to strengthen substance as Korean style drugstore and to expand marketing, so that they can get business outcome within 5 years that was done 10 years before and they become the 4th generation retail business. The study had difficulties at collecting material from the three drugstore because of poor cooperation. And, the author had great difficulty at collecting statistical material that was made in disorder. Further effort is needed considering such problems.


한ㆍ중 양국은 1992년 수교 이래 문화적 공통성과 지리적 인접성 그리고 상호보완적인 경제구조 등을 바탕으로, 정치ㆍ경제ㆍ사회ㆍ문화 등 모든 분야에서 유례를 찾아 볼 수 없는 비약적인 발전을 가져왔다. 특히 중국은 한국의 최대 교역국으로, 그리고 한국은 중국의 제3대 교역국으로 부상하였으며, 2008년에는 전략적 협력 동반자 관계로 격상했다. 현재 국제 통상관계에 있어서 WTO/DDA협상이 난항을 겪고 있는데 반해, FTA는 전 세계적으로 심화와 확대를 거듭하고 있으며, 한ㆍ중 양국도 각각 그 어느 나라에 뒤지지 않는 다각적이고 적극적인 FTA 협상을 추진하고 있다. 특히 1997년 금융위기 후 절감한 지역 경제협력의 필요성이 요구됨에 따라 중국은 2005년 아세안과 FTA체결을 시작으로 여러국가에 관심을 표명하였으며, 한국에도 FTA에 추진에 적극적으로접근하고 있는 상황이다. 지난 5월 28일에는 이명박 대통령과 중국 원자바오 총리와의 회담에서 이에 대한 내용을 언급하였는바, 가까운 시일 내에 본격적인 추진협상이 이루어지리라 예측된다. 이에 중국과 FTA의 본격적인 협상에 대비하여, 한국이 어떤 협상방식을 선택할 것인가에 정책적 제언과 관심이 집중되고 있다. 일부 학자들은 한ㆍ중 FTA는 포괄적 협상을 하되, 지속적 논의를위한 프로토콜을 확정하는 지속형 FTA를 추진해야 한다고 주장하고 있으나 본 연구는 한ㆍ중 FTA는 상품무역ㆍ서비스ㆍ투자분야를 포함하고 협상에서 일괄적으로 타결하는 포괄적 FTA가 되어야한다고 주장한다. 본 연구는 중국의 기 체결된 FTA 협상사례를 통해 중국의 협상방식의 특징을 살펴보고 시사점을 도출하였다. 중국은 현재 아세안, 파키스탄, 칠레 등 개도국과는 단계별 혹은 지속형 FTA 협상방식을 취하고 있으며, 뉴질랜드, 싱가포르 등 선진국과는 일괄타결형 포괄적 FTA 협상방식을 취하고 있다. 중국과의 FTA 협상에 있어서 한국은 농업시장 개방과 국내 이해집단과의 관계 등 쉽지 않은 이슈들이 잔재하고 있으나, 이들은 주로 상품무역 분야에 포진되어 있다. 반면에 중국은 금융ㆍ통신 산업이 개방될 경우 중국경제의 전반적인 기반이 위험에 노출하게 되는데, 이들은 주로 서비스무역 분야에 포함되어 있다. 따라서 한국은 협상 범위를 상품무역뿐만 아니라 서비스무역 나아가서 투자 분야까지 넓혀야 이슈간의 교환이 가능해지며, 협상타결의 여지도 충분하리라 판단된다. 즉, 한ㆍ중 FTA에 있어서 한국은 뉴질랜드, 싱가포르 사례와 유사한 포괄적이며 협상에서 일괄 타결하는 협상 방식을 채택해야 할 것이다.이러한 방식으로 인하여 한국은 관세 철폐로 인한 무역 창출효과와 무역 전환효과 나아가 서비스 분야에서 미국, 유럽, 일본 등 선진국에 대비한 중국시장의 선점효과도 기대할 수 있으리라 여겨진다. 또한 한국은 중국과의 FTA 협상의 성공적인 타결을 위하여 중국 국가 차원의 FTA 협상방식에 대한 정책기조를 파악할 필요가 있으며 이를 토대로 한국에 이익을 창출할 수 있는 협상안을 제시해야 할 것이다. 더불어 본격적인 협상이 이루어지기 전인 현 상황에서 중국의 기 체결된 협상 사례에 관한 체계적인 비교분석도 절실히 필요하리라 판단된다.

(Kyungnam University) ; (Changwon National University College of Business Instructor) ; pp.23-31

In this study, market orientation affects the real estate transaction and about the various parameters examined, the real estate transactions, market orientation and intensity of competition in the market upheaval and the impact was seen on the results can be summarized as follows. First, market orientation and about the relationship between real estate transactions were examined. Each variable of customer satisfaction information generation, information dissemination, information was used for the reaction. Among them, the dissemination of information, information about the reaction produces a lot better the customer satisfaction was the result. In other words, the dissemination of information and availability of information to real estate transactions, the more you can improve customer satisfaction. While the information does not appear to be generated as a result of the impact of market orientation when the first phase of the creation of market information and the customer's needs and preferences of current and future information and external factors affecting them to gather information about It is difficult to assess realistically can be seen. This is both our customers and dealers in real estate purchase or trade items for the exact targets, but the general approach the start of trading because by necessity. Therefore, a clear standard for real estate deals in and nine minutes to all sellers of real estate purchases through a process of communication to enable effective approach should be. Second, market orientation and about the relationship between real estate transactions were examined. The information for each variable in re-creating transactions, information dissemination, information was used for the reaction. Variable affects all the information creation, dissemination of information, information about the reaction the better the deal re-done show that two can be frequent. In other words, information generation, information dissemination and utilization of information to real estate transactions, the more customers the added responsibilities of the re-trade can be seen. Third, the relationship between market orientation and in the real estate market upheaval of environmental factors on the relationship between gender were examined. Each variable of customer satisfaction information generation, information dissemination, information was used for the reaction. Among them, the dissemination of information, information about the reaction produces a lot better the customer satisfaction was the result. In other words, the dissemination of information, depending on the market upheaval and the availability of information to raise the real estate can increase customer satisfaction. Fourth, market orientation and environmental factors in the relationship between real estate transactions and about the relationship between competition intensity was investigated. The information for each variable in re-creating transactions, information dissemination, information was used for the reaction. Variable affects all the information creation, dissemination of information, information about the reaction the better the deal re-done show that two can be frequent. In other words, information generation, information dissemination and utilization of information and the higher intensity of competition or unyounghameusseo ttaemaewoo active real estate transactions to provide our customers the added responsibilities of the re-trade can be seen. If more comprehensive, market orientation, according to real estate transactions and environmental factors affecting the performance was also different. Abundance of information about the current real estate it is true that the accuracy and reliability, and real estate, and are unsure about the expected benefits. So you want to trade to provide accurate information to customers and markets change rapidly and competition is severe, with more information if you have reliable information to the customer must supply can increase trading performance. Guarantee of future customer transactions and can provide valuable information and research needs to be differentiated based on the provision of real estate information should be done to achieve profitability will be a cow brokerage.

(Myongji University) ; (Myongji University) ; pp.33-41

정보기술의 발달은 CRM분야의 혁신을 가져왔고 많은 기업들은CRM기술혁신 분야에 투자하여 개별고객가치에 의한 차별화된 고객관리가 가능하게 됨으로써 장기고객의 지속적 확보와 비용절감효과를 얻고자 하였다. 기업들은 경쟁력 확보를 위한 전략적 도구로서 정보기술을 이용한 차별화된 서비스를 제공하지 않으면 고객과의 관계 형성이 어려워 경쟁우위를 달성할 수 없게 되었다. 이러한 측면에서 고객에 대한 맞춤형 재화와 서비스의 제공이 필수적인 것이 되었으며, 기업 내 모든 자원이 전사적으로 통합관리되는 전사적 자원관리(ERP)시스템과 과학적이고 체계적으로 고객정보를 활용할 수 있도록 설계된 고객관계관리(CRM)시스템은 기업의 경쟁력 강화를 위해 반드시 갖추어야 할 시스템이라고 할 수있다. 본 연구는 한국 금융기관에서 실행되고 있는 CRM의 문제점과개선방안을 제시하는데 목적을 두고 CRM의 이론적 배경을 살펴보고 현재 금융기관의 CRM 구축상황을 분석하여 개선방안을 제시하였다.

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business