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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

A Study on the Effect of Win-win Growth Policies on Sustainable Supply Chain and Logistics Management in South Korea

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2019, v.10 no.12, pp.7-14
KIM, Ki-Hyung
SONG, Sang Hwa


Purpose: In Korea, win-win growth policy has been successfully implemented in supply chain and logistics management. In the policy, it is recommended to support supply chain partners with various mechanisms including financial and technical aids. This study attempts to scientifically analyze the effects of direct and indirect win-win growth policy factors on supply chain and logistics management performance through partnership factors. Research design, data and methodology: This study builds a structural equation model reflecting the relationship between the win-win growth policy, partnership and performance factors. The proposed model is verified with the PLS (Partial Least Squares regression) methodology. Data from shipper and logistics companies were collected and analyzed by the PLS model. Results: The analysis showed that both direct and indirect policy factors are meaningful to improve supply chain and logistics performance. Indirect support factors including R&D, management innovation, human resources development and educational supports have positive impacts on partnership factors. Direct support factors including financial aids and fairness also have positive impacts on the performance. Conclusions: This study is meaningful in that it suggests a turning point in which supply chain Win-win growth and partnership efforts are perceived as new value-creating mechanism rather than unilateral cost reduction for logistics industry.

Supply Chain Management, Win-win Growth, Partnership, Structural Equation



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business