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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

A Study on User's Acceptance of Blockchain-based Copyright Distribution Platforms and Its Usage

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2019, v.10 no.3, pp.59-72
Yoo, Young-Hwan
Park, Hyeon-Suk


Purpose - Blockchain technology, which has the characteristics of credibility, security, integrity and decentralization, has brought innovation to internet platforms that mediate peer to peer transactions, as well as changes to the contents distribution services. Blockchain-based copyright distribution platforms can solve problems which have been articulated on prior internet social networks: increased market dominance of platform business because of centralization with no reward to creators who upload on platforms, and lack of fairness, such as unfair profit distribution between the copyright holder and businesses. With this background, the current research confirmed the factors that affect the intention of usage and behaviors, targeting potential users of blockchain-based copyright distribution platforms. Research design, data, and methodology - Centered around the UTAUT2 Model, the research model was designed with 'Perceived Security' added as Construct, and 'Age' and 'Knowledge Level' added as moderating variables. For data, 607 responses were collected by an online survey, and 601 responses were included in the final analysis. We analyzed the research model and sample by using SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 23.0 on the collected responses. Results - First, results of research on whether Constructs make positive effects on Intention of use is: social influence, facilitating conditions, habit, and perceived security had positive effects on intention of use, and performance expectancy, effort expectancy, hedonic motivation, and economic value did not. Second, results of the research on whether facilitating condition, habit, and intention of use made an impact on using behaviors, it was shown that only habit and intention of use made positive effects. Third, in two groups divided by age above or under 40, group effort expectancy, intention of use, habit, and intention of use had controlling effects, and facilitating condition, intention of use, perceived security, and intention of use had effects in both groups. Conclusions - The research shows that no matter how great a blockchain-based platform is, if advantages of blockchain are not proved in various industries and utilized in real life like the internet, blockchain-based distribution systems will develop slowly. Rather than a short-term inducement emphasizing technology, there is a need for a strategic approach that can foster the environment.

Contents distribution, Copyright, Platform, Blockchain, UTAUT2



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business