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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

The Effects of Quality Factors on Customer Satisfaction, Trust and Behavioral Intention in Chicken Restaurants

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2019, v.10 no.4, pp.43-56
Kim, Ho-Sik
Shim, Jae-Hyun


Purpose - The purpose of this study is to classify the quality factors of chicken restaurant customers with the service quality based on the SERVQUAL, the quality factors based on the selection attributes and service qualities of chicken restaurants used in the previous studies. Research design, data, and methodology - This survey was carried out on the students of Kangwon University in Samchuk City, Kangwon Province from November 20 - November 30, 2017, and a total of 260 questionnaires were distributed, with 222 collected. Of them, effective questionnaires applied in the final study were a total of 193 except 29 that couldn't be used. Results - The findings of this study are as follows: Firstly, chicken restaurants' quality factors were divided into seven categories like cleanliness, service encounter quality, product quality, aesthetics, overall interior, purchase quality, and convenience. Secondly, it showed that service encounter quality, purchase quality, and cleanliness had a positive impact on customer satisfaction, respectively. Thirdly, it showed that service encounter quality, purchase quality, and cleanliness had a positive impact on trust, respectively. Fourthly, it showed that customer satisfaction had a positive impact on behavioral intention. Additionally, it suggested that customer satisfaction of chicken restaurant consumers had a positive impact on behavioral intention and thereby, higher customer satisfaction leads to higher levels of reuse and recommendation intention. Lastly, after checking the effect relations of trust between customer satisfaction about chicken restaurant and behavioral intention, it was analyzed that customer satisfaction has a positive impact on trust and trust has a positive impact on behavioral intention. On the other hand, it showed that trust have a partially mediating effect in the relations between customer satisfaction and behavioral intention. But, it showed that product quality, aesthetics, overall interior, purchase quality, and convenience did not have a positive impact on customer satisfaction. Conclusions - Chicken restaurant consumers put more priority on friendly and good services of chicken restaurant staff in service encounter and delivery order, rather than on reasonable price and discount systems. Thereby, chicken restaurant marketers need to take factors like service encounter quality, cleanliness into more consideration.

Chicken Restaurant, Quality Factor, Customer Satisfaction, Trust, Behavioral Intention



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business