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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

The Influence of Omni-channel Propensity and Regulatory Focus on Consideration Set Formation

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2019, v.10 no.5, pp.49-58
HAN, Sang-Seol


Purpose - Consumer behaviors or decision-making process has been changing recently as the consumer environment, including mobile everyday life, has changed. In view of this changing consumer smart environment, this study aims to investigate structural relation about the influence omni-channel propensity and regulatory focus on consideration set formation. Research design, data, and methodology - In order to proceed with this study, we review previous studies and setting hypotheses. The hypothesis was verified through a survey that was conducted for university students with experience in purchasing in less than three months. With reference to previous studies, operational definition was made for the questionnaire design. From 2018 Nov. to 2019 Feb. Survey was conducted on the panel consumers who purchase item within that period. 315 collected survey data were used to verify hypotheses except the data that had incorrect values. This data were used for SPSS/AMOS for confirm hypothesis which developed by researcher. Results - The results of this study are as follows. First, Consumers were considering a more heterogeneous alternatives if they were more omni-channel propensity in the process of forming consideration set. Second, Consumers were more conscious of the price if they were more omni-channel propensity Third, Consumers were considering a more newness alternatives if they were more omni-channel propensity in the process of forming consideration set. Meanwhile, The results of the study on regulatory focus and consideration set relationships are as follows. Consumers were considering a more heterogeneous alternatives if they were more promotion focus tendency in the process of forming consideration set. Second, Prevention focus tendency were more conscious of the price in the process of considering alternatives. Third, Consumers were considering a more newness alternatives if they were more promotion focus tendency. Conclusions - Depending on the changing consumer environment, the omni-channel propensity was shown to influence the formation of the consideration set. Also, Regulatory focus of consumers significantly influence to formation of consideration set. this study also contributes to the development of the theory as well as the practical approach with understanding consumer decision process on smart(mobile) environment.

Omni-channel, Consideration Set(heterogeneous, price consciousness, newness), Regulatory Focus



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business