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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

Exploration of Research Trends in The Journal of Distribution Science Using Keyword Analysis

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2019, v.10 no.8, pp.17-24
YANG, Woo-Ryeong


Purpose - The purpose of this study is to find out research directions for distribution and fusion and complex field to many domestic and foreign researchers carrying out related academic research by confirming research trends in the Journal of Distribution Science (JDS). Research Design, Data, and Methodology - To do this, I used keywords from a total of 904 papers published in the JDS excluding 19 papers that were not presented with keywords among 923. The analysis utilized word clouding, topic modeling, and weighted frequency analysis using the R program. Results - As a result of word clouding analysis, customer satisfaction was the most utilized keyword. Topic modeling results were divided into ten topics such as distribution channels, communication, supply chain, brand, business, customer, comparative study, performance, KODISA journal, and trade. It is confirmed that only the service quality part is increased in the weighted frequency analysis result of applying to the year group. Conclusion - The results of this study confirm that the JDS has developed into various convergence and integration researches from the past studies limited to the field of distribution. However, JDS's identity is based on distribution. Therefore, it is also necessary to establish identity continuously through special editions of fields related to distribution.

Research Trend, Distribution Journal, Keywords Analysis, Word Clouding, Topic Modeling



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business