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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

Effects of the Attributes of Mobile Shopping Apps on Purchase Intention of Fashion Products

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2020, v.11 no.1, pp.49-57
BYUN, Sangwoon
KYUNG, Moon-Soo


Purpose : The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the attributes of mobile shopping apps on the purchase intention of fashion products in the steadily growing mobile commerce market and analyze the mediation effect of shopping flow. Research design, data and methodology : In this study, a survey was conducted on users in their 20s to 50s who had experience of fashion products via mobile shopping apps. The questionnaire was analyzed on the final 507. The research issues were verified using Frequency analysis, Exploratory factor analysis, Reliability analysis, Confirmatory factor analysis, and Structural equation model. Results : Among the attributes of mobile shopping apps, reliability, enjoyment and ease of use were found to have a significant impact on shopping flow and fashion product purchase intention, while shopping flow had a significant impact on fashion product purchase intention. Product diversity and usefulness of shopping apps didn't show a significant effect. After examining the mediation effect, reliability, enjoyment, and ease of use were shown to have indirect effects by showing partial mediation effects. Conclusions : Studies show that consumers are not putting much emphasis on how diverse a product line is available and how useful a mobile shopping app is when they shop for fashion products on mobile devices. Factors that affect consumers' purchase intention are reliability, enjoyment and ease of use of shopping apps. These results shows that it is important to provide reliable information about fashion products, provide reliability to customers by setting up means for safe transactions, and provide a wider variety of services and information to make using the mobile shopping app enjoyable. In addition, there is a need to make it easy to find a fashion product that consumers like and make it easy to purchase when consumers find out fashion products that they like, and to configure how to use the app easily. Consequently, consumers become immersed in shopping which is also able to improve consumers' purchase intention on fashion products when a reliable, enjoyable and easy to use mobile shopping app is provided.

Mobile Shopping Apps, Fashion Products, Purchase Intention, Shopping Flow



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business