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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

A Study on the Moderating Effect that Value Congruence Influences Organizational Performance

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2020, v.11 no.3, pp.51-62
LEE, Joon-Pyo


Purpose - This study examined the relationship between individual creativity and its related variables to observe how individual creativity contributes to organizational performance. In addition, this study strived to explore how to maximize the utilization of individual creativity and innovate the structure of the organization itself so that teams and organizations can respond more effectively to new rising trends. this study aimed to examine whether the value congruence between individuals and organizations (propensity congruence, goal congruence has a significant impact on knowledge sharing and innovation behavior as dependent variables by exerting individual creativity and synergy as independent variables. Research design, data and methodology - SPSS 24.0 program were used to analyze the data. Descriptive Statistics and correlation analysis were performed, and the reliability factor (Cronbach's α) was calculated. Afterwards, we analyzed the moderating effects of structural equation model analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. The number of samples used in the study were 309 copies. Results - First, Individual creativity had a positive effect on knowledge sharing and innovative behavior. In other words, it was confirmed that decision-making processes fused with individual creativity could create an atmosphere of knowledge sharing and transform the organization. Second, value congruence adjusted the influence of individual creativity on knowledge sharing and innovation behavior. Conclusions - First, it is important for managers to recognize the value and secure the pool of creative talents who will be a potential future basic source of organizational success and competitive advantage. Second, managers should be able to identify those with creative talents and expertise, and use them to increase their knowledge sharing performance, while also developing emotional and motivational creativity. Third, in order improve knowledge sharing performance, managers should pay attention to the emotional aspect of creativity. Fourth, managers should strive to create an environment that is beneficial for the reinforcement of individual self-management capabilities. Fifth, managers should be able to develop decision-making processes to develop potential creativity and encourage creative thinking, opinions, or solutions. Sixth, managers should promote the dissemination and integration of new knowledge based on the creative views and attitudes of team members.

Individual Creativity, Value Congruence, Knowledge Sharing, Innovation Behavior



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business