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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

Investigating Effects of Metacognitive Strategies on Reading Engagement: Managing Globalized Education

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2020, v.11 no.5, pp.17-26
HUO, Naihean
CHO, Yooncheong


Purpose: Previous studies rarely investigated the effects of the metacognitive reading strategies on reading engagement, particularly in globalized higher education, while those studies examined reading problems and engagement with lower reading level. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the metacognitive reading strategies including global reading, problem solving, and supporting reading on reading engagement that include argentic, behavior, emotional, and cognitive engagement in global learning environment. This study investigated research questions: how do global reading, problem solving, and supporting reading strategies affect argentic, behavior, emotional, and cognitive reading engagement? Research design, Data, and methodology: This study collected data via online survey in globalized learning environment. This study applied statistical analyses, such as factor and regression analyses and ANOVA. Results: The results of this study showed that metacognitive reading strategies had significant effects on student reading engagement while they were reading class materials in English for academic purposes. Conclusions: This study provides managerial implications in higher education by providing better strategies to enhance learning skills in global context. In particular, this study provides implications that the effects of problem solving and supporting strategies could be improved by adopting better management systems in globalized education.

Metacognitive Strategies, Reading Engagement, Globalized Education



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