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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Face (Chemyon) on Leisure Consumers’ Consumption Behavior

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2021, v.12 no.11, pp.17-31
KIM, Young-Doo


Purpose: Despite the fact that face (i.e. Chemyon) is deeply-rooted in Korean culture and significantly affects the behavior of Korean people, the effect of face on leisure consumers' consumption behavior has only reported mixed findings, that is, significant and/or insignificant face effects have been reported. It is necessary to integrate prior research findings, and comprehensively examine the effect of face on leisure consumers' consumption behavior. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect (i.e. effect size, and moderating variables) of face on leisure consumers' consumption behavior through meta-analysis. Research design, data and methodology: Among 1,019 face-related academic studies, retrieved from the academic research information services (RISS), 34 studies and 300 cases examining the effect of face on leisure consumers' consumption behavior were finally included for meta-analysis. Face measured as face sensitivity and/or a face sensitivity sub-component (shame-consciousness, formality-consciousness, and other-consciousness) were integrated in the meta-analysis. Leisure consumers' consumption behavior was classified as antecedents of purchase (overall conspicuous consumption tendency, overall symbolic consumption tendency, personality, high price, high quality, brand seeking, fashion seeking, enjoyment, other person (interpersonal) consideration, position, reference group, and attitude), purchase (purchase intention, unplanned purchase, purchase, and expenditure), and post-purchase (satisfaction, repurchase, and post-purchase). The data used in the meta-analysis was comprised of correlation coefficients, and the meta-analysis was performed using the R-program. Results: The overall mean effect size of face on leisure consumers' consumption behavior was .248. It was found that the effect size was the largest in the order of shame-consciousness face, formality-consciousness face, and other-consciousness face. Among the types of leisure consumers' consumption behavior categorized as dependent variables, the effect size was found to be largest in the order of position, attitude, reference group, post-purchase behavior, brand seeking, personality, trend seeking, etc. In addition, it was found that the leisure types moderated the effect size of face on leisure consumers' consumption behavior. The effect size was found to be largest in the order of skin diving, baseball, various leisure participation, dance, gambling, golf, etc. Conclusions: Face moderately or significantly influence leisure consumers' consumption behavior.

Face (Chemyon), Face Sensitivity, Leisure, Consumer Behavior, Meta-Analysis



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business