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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

Environmental Governance Practices of Local Government Units on Waste Policy Implementation

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2021, v.12 no.5, pp.17-25
Santos-NOLO, Maria Cristina De los
LEE, Young-Suk


Purpose: The purpose of the study is to determine the level of environmental governance practices of Local Government Units (LGUs) on the implementation of waste policies. It determines the level of compliance with the waste policies implemented by LGUs particularly on waste resource conservation and waste reduction; the degree of the implementation of the environmental governance on education, values, health, and economic sufficiency. Also, it determines the initiatives done by the local government units to decentralize the leadership on waste sustainability. Research Methodology: The survey method was employed to gather information from municipalities and cities on waste programs implemented by the local government units. The data were gathered from households, schools, businesses and industries; and local government units. Results and Conclusions: The findings revealed that the level of environmental governance on waste reduction and waste resource conservation was fairly implemented by the local government units. The LGUs used the four areas of governance to keep the municipality self-sufficient, well-managed, and free from waste issues. The research can be used by the academe as a good teaching material for social responsibility, public administration, strategic management, and environmental-related courses.

Environmental Governance, Waste Policy, Implementation, Local Government Unit



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business