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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

Moderating Effects of Mindset Types on the Relationship Between Experience and Perceived Quality in VR Contexts

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2022, v.13 no.11, pp.21-30
KIM, Juran
BAE, Joonheui
KANG, Seungmook


Purpose: This study investigates the moderating effect of mindset types on experience and perceived quality in virtual reality (VR) contexts and identify the relationships among mindset types, experience, perceived quality, attitude, and purchase. Research design, data and methodology: Using a survey, a total of 250 participants were recruited from South Korea. Participants were asked whether they have been VR users who had experienced VR before participating in the survey. We used the partial least squares method to test the hypotheses based on structural equation modeling. Results: The results show that experience, including spatial, reality, and sensory experiences, has positive effects on perceived quality. Additionally, the mindset moderates the relationship between experience and perceived quality such that consumers with experience are more likely to have greater perceived quality when they have a growth mindset compared to those with a fixed mindset. The VR context's perceived quality exerts positive effects on attitude toward the VR context, while attitude has positive effects on purchase intention. Conclusion: We suggest that the consumer's mindset might work as an essential moderating factor that influences the relationship between experience and perceived quality. Our findings can help marketers plan promotion strategies more effectively and cater to the different objectives of their contexts.

Mindset Types, Fixed Mindset, Growth Mindset, Experience, Perceived Quality, Virtual Reality (VR)



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business