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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

What should be Prioritized for Delivery Café Service in COVID-19?

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2022, v.13 no.3, pp.25-34
SHIN, Mee-Hye
JANG, Jeong-Rok
CHA, Seong-Soo


Purpose: Food delivery services are rapidly increasing due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak. This study examines how much taste, price, brand, and reliability affect the satisfaction of delivery apps and delivery companies in food delivery services, as well as its effects on repurchase intentions. Research design, data and methodology: Empirical analysis was conducted through questionnaire survey on a coffee shop that started delivery services. Reliability and validity were analyzed, and hypotheses were verified through confirmatory factor analysis, discriminant validity analysis, and path analysis using structural equation modelling. Results: The factors affecting the satisfaction of delivery apps at coffee shops were taste and brand image. Only 'taste' had a statistically significant effect on the factor that made consumers feel satisfaction. In addition, satisfaction with delivery apps of coffee shops and delivery companies had a statistically significant effect on repurchase intention. The company should focus on improving the image of the coffee application rather than the corporate image. Conclusions: Now and in the future, F&B companies will have to recognize and respond, as well as rethink on how to deliver satisfaction of delivery apps and delivery companies to consumers in the ever-increasing delivery competition. This study provides implications through satisfaction analysis of coffee delivery apps and companies.

Food delivery, Delivery application, Delivery company, Repurchase



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business