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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

Exploring CRM through Technology-enabled Experience in Virtual Environment: The Era of COVID-19

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2022, v.13 no.4, pp.1-14
HAN, Seung Yeon
CHO, Yooncheong


Purpose: The purpose of the study is to explore the application of Augmented Reality (AR) technology to enhance interactivity and decision making via technology-enabled experience particularly, in the context of COVID-19. This study investigated effects of perceived utilitarian value, hedonic value, social value, and perceived risk on customer satisfaction with AR technology that are rarely examined in previous studies. Research design, data and methodology: Online survey data was used in the study. This study applied factor analysis and regression analysis to test the hypotheses and employed ANOVA and mediation effect analysis to explore additional findings. Results: The results suggested that customers' perceived usefulness, arousal, social preference, innovativeness, financial risk, and performance risk have statistically significant effect on customer satisfaction. Conclusions: The findings of the study provided managerial and policy implications to develop and advertise the introduction of AR technology with the emphasis on the practical and utilitarian benefits of the technology. The result of this study highlighted the importance of customer relationship management by providing advanced services to customers through AR technology. This study contributes to technology-enabled CRM literature by providing the empirical result to verify the assumption that AR technology can be an effective tool of firms' CRM strategy

Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Experiential Marketing, Augmented Reality (AR), COVID-19, Customer Satisfaction



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business