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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

The Effect of eWOM Information Characteristics and Brand Community Experience Value on Brand Trust, Conversion

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2022, v.13 no.4, pp.35-49
HAN, Sang-Seol


Purpose - According to the recently changing consumer smart environment and consumer decision-making process, this study investigates the structural relationship between electronic(online) WOM information characteristics and brand community experience value types on specific brand reliability and brand transformation. In particular, the characteristics of word of mouth information and the experience value of brand community users were divided into detailed fac tors and approached. Methodology - In order to proceed with this study, we review previous studies and setting hypotheses. The hypothesis was verified through a survey that was conducted for the consumers with online consumption activities in less than six months. With reference to previous studies, operational definition was made for the questionnaire design. In order to verify the hypothesis, 282 people were statistically analyzed through the survey This data were used for AMOS for confirm hypothesis established. Results - eWOM information characteristics were classified into usefulness, timeliness and un-bias, and online community experience values were classified into interaction, playfulness, and virtuality. In addition, it is to investigate the relationship between the brand reliability and user's experience value in brad community. The main results are as follows. The first result was that usefulness and un-bias, which are the eWOM information characteristics had a positive effect on forming brand reliability. However, the factor of timeliness did not affect brand reliability. Second, in terms of user experience value and brand reliability in the brand community. It was fo und that experience values such as interaction, playfulness, and vituality all had a positive influence on brand reliability. Third, it was found that brand reliability has a positive influence on the on-line conversion activity of users. Conclusions - Through this study, the field of online consumer behavior research is expanding, and this study suggested that careful management is necessary according to the type or characteristics of eWOM information. Additionally, it presents the importance of the user's empirical value in the brand community influencing brand attitude and reliability. In practice, the implementation of the marketing communication mix in digital marketing has recently been underway to enhance the conversion behavior of users. At this level, it also reveals the preceding factors that increase user conversion behavior.

eWOM, Brand Community, Experience Value, Brand Trust, Online Conversion



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business