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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

The Effect of Loyalty Factors Perceived by Consumers on General Super Market

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2017, v.8 no.4, pp.37-46
Kim, Pan-Jin
Kim, Hwa-Kyung


Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that cause consumers to frequently visit large - Super Store and goods for large - scale retailers using Super Store. Research design, data, and methodology - The purpose of this study is to present the empirical analysis of 53 adult males and females living in the Mokpo area on the relationship between perceived level of satisfaction and loyalty of the large - scale marts. The results were analyzed. The statistical data of the questionnaire were verified by the SPSS. Results - In the empirical analysis of this study, four variables were found to be the main loyalty factors, which were found to affect the satisfaction of Super Store and the decision to return again. Therefore, in this study, the quality of goods, price, diversity, and image were analyzed as loyalty factors, and it was analyzed as factors influencing satisfaction. It was confirmed that loyalty factors were important. In particular, consumers' perception of behaviors such as local specialties and community service that can be distinctly differentiated from other distribution agencies was very low. Conclusions - It is necessary to construct a comprehensive systematic system to analyze the detailed factors influencing the satisfaction and loyalty of users of Mokpo ticket consumers and to systematically manage and evaluate them. In order to raise awareness of consumer loyalty factors, consumer satisfaction and loyalty survey should be regularly conducted. Consumers should look for ways to improve them and develop improvement plans. The various direct and indirect services provided by Super Store to consumers include price, quality, assortment, customer service, accessibility, and feelings for large marts. However, since the services provided by the Super Store are different from those of the consumers, the loyalty factors for the different factors can be different. Therefore, in order to differentiate them from traditional markets or other distribution centers, it It should be used as a weapon of competition. In this study, it is generally recognized that the services provided by Super Store are very simple and inexpensive, so that consumers are not aware of the difference of particular stores.

Super Store, Quality, Service, Customer Decision, Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business