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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

A Study on the Recognition Level of Traditional Market Users on Return Intention

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2017, v.8 no.5, pp.77-85
Kim, Pan-Jin


Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate the variables that lead consumers to visit traditional markets and buy market goods. Thus, the current research examined the relationship between satisfaction and return intention as among the factors influencing loyalty. Research design, data, and methodology - This study was conducted to examine the effects of the perceived level of factors on loyalty and how it influenced consumers' visits to traditional markets in 125 adult adolescents and women living in Mok-po area. The results of the questionnaire were obtained. The statistical data of the questionnaire were verified by SPSS. Results - In this study, consumers' perception level of eight loyalty factors can be perceived by the traditional Korean market. The empirical analysis is summarized as follows. First, by selecting five representative variables influencing intention to return to traditional markets, Mok-po area consumers were affected by the intention to revisit according to the intensity of recognition level among these variables. Second, the higher the perceived level of product price, quality of access (accessibility) among the factors that consumers perceive as important factors in visiting traditional markets were heightened. Third, Mokpo residents are aware of the main important factors of visiting the market such as receiving a friendly atmosphere (image) about traditional market, market environment (hygiene and cleanliness), connection with the local economy, and customer service such as kindness, refund and return. These loyalty factors did not affect consumers' intention to revisit. In other words, image, environment, regional economic linkage, and these factors did not have a positive effect on revisit intention. Conclusions - The empirical analysis of this study suggests that factors that directly affect loyalty among the key factors that play a major role in visiting traditional markets should be identified and developed as loyalty factors. It is necessary to identify the key factors influencing the satisfaction and loyalty of traditional market users, and operate a system that systematically and comprehensively manages and evaluates them. In order to do this, the government, the local governments, and related organizations should regularly conduct loyalty and satisfaction surveys on visa recognition levels and establish strategies for dramatic improvement measures.

Traditional Market, Satisfaction, Intention, Customer Service, Market Environment



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business