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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

Determinant Factors of Service Orientation for Human Resources of Long Term Care Facility

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2018, v.9 no.10, pp.39-50
Lee, Seong-Duck
Hwang, Yong-Cheol


Purpose - This study is to propose discriminative management strategies to long-term care facilities based on the empirical analysis after reviewing the effects of social support, perceived by long-term care facility employees, to service orientation. Research design, data, and Methodology - The research model designed social support, job stress, organizational commitment, and service orientation. The survey collected data from 453 customers in a long-term care facility in jeju. The SPSS 18.0 package was used for analysis. Results - First, social support for long-term care facility employees has a negative(-) effect to job stress. Test results, social support factors except appraisal support had a negative impact on job stress. Second, social support has a positive(+) effect to organizational commitment. Test results, informational support, tangible support and appraisal support had significant effects on organizational commitment. However, emotional support had a positive impact on affective commitment and normative commitment. Third, social support has a positive(+) effect to service orientation. Test results had a positive impact. Fourth, job stress has a negative(-) effect to organizational commitment. In the test results, employee's continuance commitment and normative commitment had significant negative effects in job stress. However, affective commitment had no significant impact. Fifth, job stress has a negative(-) effect to service orientation. Test results showed a negative impact. Conclusions - The study implies the following. First, that there should be a change in the social perception of long-term care facilities. 'Long-Term Care Insurance for The Elderly' was enacted to emphasize this responsibility for the elderly problems as a new system. Enactment of this Act was expected to improve the quality of life of the people by stabilizing the elderly life and reducing the burden of families. Therefore, long-term care facility system should be as efficient as possible for making plans for systematic and organizational support. Second, the efforts of facility managers to minimize job stress of employees is necessary. Accordingly, performing spontaneous work is required for a comfortable working environment and management. Third, the systematic education and training to employees for service oriented behavior of the facility will be required in the long term.

Long-Term Care Facility, Social Support, Job Stress, Organizational Commitment, Service Orientation



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business