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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

The Relationship among Fashion Social Media, Information Usage Behavior, and Purchase Intention

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2018, v.9 no.11, pp.25-38
Kim, Naeeun
Kim, Mi-Sook


Purpose - This study aimed to identify the sub-dimensions of fashion social media quality (information quality, social quality, service quality, system quality) and investigate how they affect purchase intention through fashion information use behavior (information acceptance, information diffusion). Research design, data, and methodology - Data collection was carried out twice for systematic verification of the research model. In the first data collection, the reliability and validity of research variables were verified through 238 respondents and questionnaires were revised and supplemented based on their responses. In March 2018, the final survey was conducted from 755 respondents the age of 20 to 49. Using SPSS 23.0, descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis were performed. In order to test hypotheses, structural equational modeling technique was employed using AMOS 23.0. Results - First of all, fashion Social media quality consists of four factors including information quality, social quality, service quality and system quality. Second, fashion Social media information quality, social quality, and system quality were shown to have a positive(+) effect on information acceptance behavior, and social quality, service quality and system quality were shown to have a positive(+) effect on information diffusion behavior. It was also determined that the acceptance and diffusion behaviors of fashion information through fashion Social media had positive(+) influence on purchase intention. Conclusions - This study holds academic significance in its identification of the components of fashion Social media quality and for conducting an empirical analysis on the causal relationship between fashion information acceptance and diffusion behaviors, and purchase intention. The results of this study indicate that fashion involvement is the key factors in determining the quality of Social media, the acceptance of information through Social media, and, by extension, the purchase of fashion products. Practitioners in the fashion industry may use the findings of this study in order to build more effective Social media strategy.

Fashion Social Media Quality, Information Usage Behavior, Purchase Intension



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business