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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

A Study on the User's Sustainable Intention of Mobile Tourism : Focused on Chinese Tourists Visiting Korea

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2018, v.9 no.5, pp.47-62
Long, Shang Guan-Jin
Park, Uk-Yeol
Lee, Jong-Ho


Purpose - Based on preceding studies, this thesis focuses on the finding of the definition and category of mobile tourism application and deriving out its characteristics. And after looking for how they make influences on continuous intention to use, we make empirical study with TAM model. Research design, data, and methodology - There are many Chinese tourist who visit Korea with user's constant intention to use of tourism application. This study is to find out the definition and category of mobile tourism application through research of preceding study and to fomulate the research model and hypothesis that how tourism application attributes (convenience, interaction, accessibility, local basis, security) affect constant intention to use of mobile tourism application. In order to verify a hypothesis, we conducted a survey for Chinese users of tourism application. In empirical study, we analyzed a structure model for frequency analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, validity analysis through IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0 and IBM SPSS AMOS 21.0 Results - Among tourism applications, convenience, interaction, accessibility and local basis have positive effects on both perceived usefulness and perceived easiness respectively. But security does not. Also perceived easiness has a positive effect on perceived usefulness. Finally, perceived usefulness and perceived easiness have positive effect on constant intent to use. Conclusions - Tourism application enterprises should put emphasis on design such as menu or function in order to simplify the operation of new services for new customers. Therefore, comfortable user interface and development of useful function can improve tourism application. Consequently, it leads to the promotion of tourism application. Also, when users perceive tourism application as a useful media which is easy, comfortable and useful content, the degree of constant intention to use becomes increased. It is important to provide plentiful and useful contents for customers and to develop user interface such as easy operation because these factors have positive effects on constant demand and use of tourism application.

Tour, Tourism App, TAM Model, Security, Local Basis



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business