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The Effects of the Electronic Health Record System on Work Overload and Stress Moderation of Hospital Employees

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2018, v.9 no.9, pp.35-44
Choi, Young-Jin
Noh, Jin-Won
Boo, Yoo-Kyung
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Purpose - In endless competition, companies pursue cost reduction and work efficiency. So, entrepreneurs try to increase job intensity, which may lead to job stress and high turnovers because of job burnout. But, Information systems are acknowledged as a work support tool that secures work convenience and the productivity of employees. In this study, we aimed to confirm the effects of information systems in reduing the work overload of employees in a human resource intensive industry. Research design, data and methodology - This is based on the job demands-resources model, conducting an empirical analysis of surveys given to hospital employees working in a human resource intensive industry. Results - The research revealed that information systems reduced the work overload of employees in a human resource intensive industry. Conclusion - This study confirmed the effects of information systems as a job resource based on JD-R theory, and presentation of empirical results indicated that information systems alleviate employee job overload and increases job satisfaction in the medical services industry. In the medical services industry, using electronic health record system decreases in work overload, which results in employees gaining time for self-development and time management, reducing job stress, and leading to job satisfaction.

Job resource, Job demand, Job satisfaction, Job stress, Electronic Health Records



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business