This study investigated whether search terms analysis of archival Web sites could be utilized effectively for archival information services. The focus was on designing a methodology which brings the search terms analysis and development of archival information services closer, especially for the contents services. The data were collected from the Presidential Archives because it can be characterized as a public archives as well as subject archives. It also tends to draw interests from a broad range of general public. The analysis was conducted with respect to three dimensions: (1) general search terms; (2) names of individual president; (3) subject categories of search terms. The results of search terms analysis have a number of practical implications for developing archival information services including contents services, decision on the menu of the Web sites, exhibition, and education.
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대통령기록물 관리에 관한 법률.
대통령기록관. 웹사이트. 대통령기록관소개 비전/미션. sion.html.
S. National Archives. Presidential Libraries. ial-libraries/.