This study investigated the perception and experience of users who visited in Seoul office of the National Archives, a branch of the National Archives of Korea(NAK). For collecting data, the study utilized the Researcher Survey Toolkit developed by Archival Metrics Project and revised the questionnaire to reflect services of NAK. Questionnaires completed by 47 users were collected and analyzed, and interviews with one survey respondent and two staff were performed. It was found that the purpose of the visit is mostly to identify records that prove land ownership of users' ancestors. Types of records frequently used were also those concerning lands and forests. User feedback on the staff was generally positive, and users perceived them to be helpful and kind. However, there was an opinion that the staff did not provide accurate information about whether NAK hold records that the user wanted to find. The staff also said that it was challenging to confirm where requested records are located when providing services for users. User evaluation on the usefulness and the ease of use of NAK portal services was not very positive, and it was perceived to be very inconvenient to search in the portal. Overall, users were satisfied with the services of NAK, although some users suggested that services need be provided efficiently, and NAK must clarify the criteria for the non-disclosure of public records.
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