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  • P-ISSN1598-1487
  • E-ISSN2671-7247

Establishment and Management of Private Archives: The Case of Neutinamu Library

Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management / Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management, (P)1598-1487; (E)2671-7247
2020, v.20 no.3, pp.167-173


Neutinamu Library in Suji, Yongin, has been serving as a hub for local communities since its opening in 2000. In 2003, Neutinamu Library Foundation was established for the development of library culture, continuing the wave of the library movement in the third sector and carrying out cooperative projects with various institutions. Through these exchanges and activities, numerous records and materials were produced and collected at the library. In 2012 and 2013, Neutinamu Library Archive was built so that the records that have been collected could be utilized. As such, this article will introduce and discuss the processes in the creation and management of Neutinamu Library Archive.

Neutinamu Library, Private-public library, Private archives, Local community archives, Library movement, 느티나무도서관, 사립공공도서관, 민간 아카이브, 마을 아카이브, 도서관운동

Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management