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  • P-ISSN1598-1487
  • E-ISSN2671-7247

Reflections on the Concept and Characteristics of Legislative Activity Records

Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management / Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management, (P)1598-1487; (E)2671-7247
2024, v.24 no.4, pp.47-66
Lee Jaeyun
Kim Uijin
Park Taesun


Based on the recognition that the context and utility of legislative activity records have not been sufficiently explored in the literature, this paper examines the unique characteristics of members of parliament and legislative activities. It uses the case of standing committees to reveal the utility of legislative activity records, including their deliberative value.

국회의원, 의정활동 기록, 상임위원회, 숙의, 정치문화, Member of parliament, Legislative activity records, Standing committee, Deliberation, Political culture

Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management