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Strategic Approach to Managing Information(patent) for Utilization of R&D Outcomes

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2002, v.13 no.1, pp.77-92
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Only requiring research reports or publishing articles as the final obligation of R&D activities is not sufficient to utilize and reproduce the knowledge information. Since a lot of important data have been ignored and missed by the public or private research institutions, it is not easy to manage and utilize R&D outcomes and to develope knowledge-intensive business as we expect. It is important and rather urgent matter that we should reexamine the related regulations/ laws of Intellectual Property and observe the practical problems of data utilization in real settings. This study reviewed recent studies about domestic R&D institutions, current regulations related IP, and some conflicts with the copyright, and then summarized the problems/ solutions of utilizing R&D information as knowledge assets.

지식정보, 학술연구개발사업, 지식정보활용, 지식재산권, 직무발명규정, 기술이전센터, 특허, 정보공개, 기밀정보보호
