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A Study of Evolution of the Librarian Job

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2005, v.16 no.1, pp.233-246
Ahn, In-Ja
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The evolution of librarian job is influenced by the change of paradigm in library. in theses days, a "good job" is the job that is sensing the changes and applying them in the field. The research is the comparison between '70s and 80s' and 21st century's tasks as a librarian; the law of library, the standards, the influence of department on library and job analysis. The results; the number of technical services have been reduced while professional information services increased as well as media resources. This is because they are trying to satisfy all kind of users. The librarians are acquiring of digital resources, preserving the resources, preparing on-line access, cooperating with other information centers to adjust the great increase of work in digital library.

직무, 업무, 사서직, 한국도서관기준, 도서관법, 도서관정책, 직무분석
