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Bibliotherapy for Aging

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2006, v.17 no.1, pp.201-221
Chang, Duk-Hyun
Jang, Young-Nam
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This paper attempts to highlight such issues as the personal psychological problems due to the aging, and tries to investigate the effectiveness and the potentials of bibliotherapy to heal the wounded hearts of people who suffer from aging. Portrayed through a qualitative surveys and interviews with five subjects selected by the researchers, discussions were elaborated around three factors such as physical, cognitive. and social factors. The participants. throughout the study, came to understand and to narrate their own problems objectively and to discern their wounds. It was also observed that they felt relieved and stable after reading the books presented by the researchers. As a result, physical decline. isolation from family members, solitude in society and decline of self-esteem they have experienced since their mid-40s were recognized as natural changes from aging which were to overcome.

나이 듦, 노화, 독서, 독서치료, 독서요법
