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An Evaluative Study on the Websites Providing Culture Related Contents in Korea

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2006, v.17 no.2, pp.43-64
Yoo, Jae-Ok
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Five cultural websites are evaluated on their content, interface, design. system, and service elements. The Culture Portal of Korea, Korea Culture Content, Culture Arts, Korea National Heritage Online, and Culture Heritage Information Center are chosen for this study. Most websites do not have a purpose or target audience. Their focuses are not on the content they provide but on the function of interfaces and interface design. However, interfaces do not function well for users to quickly access information they want. Suggestions are made to facilitate a system's search function and interactive users' feedback.

문화, 콘텐츠, 사이트, 웹사이트, 홈페이지, 평가, 품질평가
