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The Roles of Public Libraries as a Construction Mechanism of Social and Cultural Capital

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2018, v.29 no.4, pp.139-160
Lee, Seungmin
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The purpose of this research is to empirically analyze the effect of public library use on the construction of social and cultural capital and the close of social classes reproduction through the survey targeting public library users. As a result, the use of public libraries positively affects the construction of both social and cultural capital. In contrast, it partially addresses the problems in social classes reproduction because the social classes with higher levels of education and income tend to use public libraries more often. In order to take a role of and contribute to equal construction of social and cultural capital, public libraries need to be public places for open and social interaction. In addition, it is necessary for public libraries to improve their roles to allow community members to access and utilize various cultural resources.

사회자본, 문화자본, 공공도서관, 사회적 계급 재생산
