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이용자의 접근 패턴을 고려한 공공도서관 서비스 영역 생성 연구

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2023, v.34 no.3, pp.89-107
Jongwook Lee
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Public libraries should plan and provide services that satisfy various needs of the local community users. In order to understand library users, it is essential first to grasp the service areas of libraries. The current service areas of public libraries are primarily set based on administrative boundaries of the areas where the libraries are located, which limits the consideration of actual user access patterns to the libraries. In this study, we aim to create service areas that incorporate the transportation and geographical characteristics of the library’s surroundings and reflect the access patterns of library users. Specifically, we utilized street network data from 502 libraries in 7 metropolitan cities to determine the travel distance and time from user locations, considering gradients, to the libraries. Subsequently, we applied the shortest path algorithm to generate service areas within a 30-minute walking or driving range. As a result, we confirmed that there are differences in the service area patterns of libraries depending on topographical factors, and this better reflects the realistic conditions of library access compared to service areas based on straight-line distances. This method of generating service areas contributes to a more accurate understanding of library users’ numbers, characteristics, and needs.

Public Libraries, Service Areas, Network Distance, Access Patterns
