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Comparison and Analysis of Domestic and International Medical Library Association Support Programs to Strengthen the Capabilities of Medical Librarians: Focusing on MLA and KMLA

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2023, v.34 no.4, pp.149-182
Hey Young Rhee
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This study was conducted for the purpose of suggesting ways to improve KMLA’s support programs to strengthen the capabilities of domestic medical librarians. To this end, after investigating the roles of professional associations, common roles were extracted and categorized into five areas, and then the support programs of MLA and KMLA were compared and analyzed. As a result, six suggestions can be made as ways to improve KMLA’s support program. First, policy development is needed to officially and continuously support medical librarians. Second, in the area of (continued) education and training programs, educational support in professional areas required in the medical field is needed, as well as education for the role of the IRB committee. Third, in terms of research and publication support, various support for research funds and training programs is required. Fourth, in terms of network and cooperation support, mentoring, leadership, and fellowship programs are needed, and improvements to domestic and international partnerships and support for various awards should also be planned. Fifth, in terms of professional certification and various certificate systems, it is necessary to provide support for obtaining degrees in related fields and to issue certificates through support for various courses. Sixth, KMLA’s active internal and external promotion and activities should be carried out to attract donations.

Medical Librarian, Medical Librarian Competency, Professional Association Role(Program, Support), MLA(Medical Library Association), Korean Medical Library Association
