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A Comparative Analysis of Research Trends in Korean Modern Medicine: Focusing on Two Journals of Medical School

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2023, v.34 no.4, pp.29-54
Mijin Seo
Jisu Lee
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This study aimed to analyze the research trends of journal articles published by medical schools representing Korean modern. A total of 682 were selected from two journals published by Medical College in Keijo and Keijo Imperial University Medical Faculty. In results, the affiliations of authors who participated in Acta Medicinalia in Keijo included various schools and hospitals, and the authors’ major was found to be similar in basic medicine and clinical medicine. In The Keijo Journal of Medicine, only school-affiliated authors participated, and 96.33% of the authors were majors in basic medicine. Co-occurrence network analysis was conducted on MeSH terms from the title of the article using MeSH on Demand, and the keyword that derived in both journals was ‘erythrocytes’, which analyzed the condition of red blood cells according to organs and diseases. In frequency analysis, a common area of research in both journals was the study focusing on blood and blood cells, and the study of anemia and tuberculosis, which were prevalent diseases at the time. As for comparing each journal, Acta Medicinalia in Keijo has focused on inflammatory diseases and clinical pathological studies in humans, and The Keijo Journal of Medicine has focused on anatomical studies on animals and pharmacological studies on medicines. Through this study, it was possible to identify the research topics and major keywords in two medical schools with different founding goals.

Medical Journal, Medical College in Keijo, Keijo Imperial University Medical Faculty, Network Analysis, Content Analysis
