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An Exploratory Study of Information Seeking Behavior of Generation Alpha Elementary School Students in Academic and Everyday Life

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2024, v.35 no.2, pp.25-45
InBeom Hwang
Jung Won Yoon
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This study aims to understand the everyday information-seeking behaviors of Alpha-generation elementary school students. A survey was conducted among 4th to 6th grade students to investigate their information needs in daily life, the sources they use to fulfill these needs and the reasons for their choices, the barriers they encounter during the information search process, and their satisfaction and trust in the information obtained. The results indicate that Alpha generation elementary students most frequently use video platforms and have the highest information needs related to hobbies and leisure activities. The main reasons for choosing information sources were familiarity and convenience. Differences based on demographic characteristics and media literacy education were also analyzed. There were significant differences in information-seeking behavior based on gender. Also, students who had received media literacy education experienced fewer difficulties in the information acquisition process compared to those who had not. The findings of this study are expected to provide valuable data for developing information services and media literacy education directions for the Alpha generation in school settings.

Generation Alpha, Elementary School Student, Everyday Life Information Seeking(ELIS), Information Needs, Media Literacy
