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메뉴ISSN : 2093-3843
The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of sex offenders according to victims' age. 319 sex offenders who were incarcerated in the correctional institution were classified as the sex offenders against child, Juvenile, and adult victims and examined by demographic factors, the number of crimes and crime related factors, and personal psychological characteristics. The results showed that the sex offenders against adult victims were significantly higher in the number of crimes and incarcerated, the total number of convictions, and the percentage of stranger victims and the sex offenders against child victims were the highest percentage in aged, married partners, and related victims and the sex offenders against juvenile victims were significantly higher percentage in the accomplice. In the personal psychological characteristics, there was a high level of PCL-R total score and factor 2 (social deviation) in the sex offenders of adult victims and juvenile victims and the sex offenders of adult victims showed the highest in the level of sexual fantasy and coping using sex, and the sex offenders against juvenile victims was significantly higher in self-esteem. Finally, the limitations of this study and the issues to be considered in the prevention of recidivism and the operation of the psychotherapy program were discussed.
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