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Effects of the Consumer's Self-construal and Product Innovation on Purchase Intention and Satisfaction


This study shows the power of self-construal in process of purchasing innovative products for understanding consumer's behavior. Innovation of products was categorized into two parts; innovative products and non-innovative products by eBook and Musical. In main research, it is measured respondent's self-construal, purchase intention of two products(innovative eBook vs. non-innovative eBook; innovative Musical vs. non-innovative Musical) and satisfaction of purchase. The objects of research were 234 male and female university students. Result of this research, there was significant difference in making buying intention between innovative products and non-innovative products in case of the type of self-construal. Independent self-construal group didn't have any difference between innovative product and non-innovative product, but interdependent self-construal group have more purchasing intention for non-innovative product than innovative one. There was significant difference in purchase satisfaction in according to the self-construal type and innovation of products. In case of independent self-construal group, they satisfied more when they purchased innovative products than non-innovative products. In contrast, in case of interdependent self-construal group, they satisfied more when they purchased non-innovative products than innovative products. This results suggest that the difference of acceptance of innovative product goes by consumer's self-construals.

self-construals, purchase intention, purchase satisfaction, innovative product



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