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Exploring the Effects of Emoticons in Twitter-based Marketing Communication


As experience-based marketing becomes increasingly popular in various fields, consumers are interacting with products in online environments, thus simulating a new form of brand experience, from direct to indirect experiences, on the Internet. Thus, academic interest in the realm of brand experience has concomitantly expanded to online as well as offline. This study investigates the effects of emoticons in SNS communication. Recently, SNS has exhibited strong indications of becoming a vital communication tool for firms, and emoticons are generally used in SNS communication. However, there has been, to date, only limited research conducted in this field and the effects of emoticons remains uncertain. Thus, the significance of this study lies in its attempt to analyze the effects of emoticons in Twitter-based marketing communication. This study proposes a stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) based framework. It first employs emoticons in response to the stimulus, and considers perceived interactivity, social presence and brand experience to the organism mediating processes between the stimulus and the consumer response. The response is the conclusion of the internal processes of the organism. This study posits brand loyalty to the response. In the empirical study, we obtained data from a panel survey of online consumers in Korea through an online research agency. The sample consisted of 233 Twitters users between the ages of 19 and 39. The present study about emoticons revealed interesting results. First, the use of emoticons were significantly related with perceived interactivity and social presence and thus the use of emoticons could be effective communication tool in Twitter-based marketing communication. Also, perceived interactivity and social presence were significantly related with brand experience. This result suggested that perceived interactivity and social presence are antecedents of brand experience on SNS. Lastly brand experience has a positive relationship with brand loyalty. Based on these results, theoretical and practical implications are discussed and directions for further research proffered.

Emoticons, Perceived Interactivity, Social Presence, Brand Experience, Brand Loyalty



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