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The Effect of Consumer Self-Compassion on Consumer Responses to Envy Products in the Negative Envy Situation


The purpose of the study is to examine how consumer self-compassion influences consumer responses (preference, purchase intention, and recommendation intention) to envy products. In two studies, participants were asked to read a scenario designed to elicit feeling of envy. Study 1 measured participant’s self-compassion and findings suggest that participants with high level of self-compassion responded to envy products more positively than those with low level of self-compassion. In Study 2, participants were primed with either self-compassion or self-esteem and asked to read a scenario designed to elicit envy. Results indicate that self-compassion primed participants responded to the envy product more positively than self-esteem primed participants. Implications of this study for extending the role of self-compassion in response to envy products and further research are discussed.

self-compassion, envy, self-esteem



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