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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study is to explore how interaction between gender and coping styles moderates the effects of graphic pictorial health warnings on packaging on smokers’ attitudes toward stopping smoking and intention to quit smoking. In this study, an experiment was conducted with 372 smokers including 194 men and 178 women using two different warning labels: a strong graphic pictorial health warning and a text-only warning. This study found that the three-way interaction among gender, coping styles and warning labels had significant effect on smokers’ attitudes toward quitting smoking. For men with high (vs. low) problem-focused coping style, the graphic warning (vs. text warning) had greater effect on their attitudes toward quitting smoking. However, the difference in the problem-focused coping style did not moderate the effect of warning label on the attitudes. On the other hand, the graphic warning was more effective for the attitudes for women with high (vs. low) social support seeking coping style, but made no difference in the effect between men with high and low social support seeking coping style This study also found that the attitude mediated the three-way interaction and intention to quit smoking. Based upon the result, this study provided theoretical and practical implications.
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