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The effect of construal level theory by social distance in the graduate school advertisement campaign


The purpose of this research is to propose a effective communication strategy that can increase the efficiency of graduate school advertisement. The study tries to examine the hypotheses that the potential applicants' message attitude and intention to apply is dependant on message types based on the construal level theory and the perceived social distance from the endorsers in the advertising. For empirical validation, an experiment was conducted for between group of two(message type: desirability/feasibility) X two(social distance: far/close). The main effects of message are significant. Specifically, it was found that message emphasizing feasibility (low-level construal) showed more positive effects on dependant variables than message emphasizing desirability (high-level construal). In addition, the interaction effect between social distance and message type were validated with the message attitude and the intention to apply. For audience perceived social distance more closely for endorse, message emphasizing feasibility showed more positive effect on dependant variables. Message emphasizing desirability is more affective for audience who perceived social distance is far. Based on these results, practical implication and future research direction were discussed.

Graduate school advertisement, Construal Level Theory, Types of message, Social distance



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