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메뉴ISSN : 1225-3480
Size-mass relationships were estimated for 4 species belonging to genus Semisulcospira from the Guem River,Korea. These 4 freshwater snail species: Semisulcospira libertina, Semisulcospira coreana, Semisulcospiragottschei, and Semisulcospira forticosta. Between June and November 2011, samples were caught by dredge(mesh size 10mm of multifilament nylon, total length 4.35 m) at depths of < 2 m. Estimates of for parameter b ofthe size-mass relationship (W = aSHb) ranged between 2.0072 (Semisulcospira libertina) and 2.3463(Semisulcospira gottschei).
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