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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Article Detail

The Validation of Korean Student Career Construction Inventory: Focusing on emerging adulthood


This study aims to validate the Korean Student Career Construction Inventory, a translated measure of career adaptation responses, with Korean college students. In order to do so, this study examines the relevant factor structure, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, criterion-related validity and measurement invariance between Korean undergraduate and graduate students. An online survey was completed by 294 participants, including the questions from the translated Korean Student Career Construction Inventory, in addition to measures of career adaptability and vocational identity. One hundred twenty five among the initial participants were tested again in three months for the examination of test-retest reliability. The results supported the four-factor structure of 18 items suggested by the original measure, as well as measurement invariance. The internal consistency and test-retest reliability were adequate. The Korean Student Career Construction Inventory was positively correlated with career adaptability, unidimensional vocational identity, and the dimensions of exploration and commitment of multidimensional vocational identity, but negatively with the dimension of reconsideration. The findings indicate that the Korean Student Career Construction Inventory has psychometric properties similar to the original form and can be used for both undergraduate and graduate students.

student career construction inventory, scale validation, career adaptation model, career construction theory
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Korean Journal of School Psychology