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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Article Detail

Double mediation effects of cognitive emotion regulation strategy and conflict resolution strategy on the association between rejection sensitivity and dating relationship satisfaction


This study examined how the rejection sensitivity model might be applied to the link between rejection sensitivity and dating relationship satisfaction by means of investigating the mediating effect of cognitive emotion regulation strategy and conflict resolution strategy. A total of 668 college students in Seoul (232 males, 436 females, mean age of 21.59 years [SD=2.08]) participated in this study. The results illustrated that the adaptive emotion regulation strategy, among cognitive emotion regulation strategies, and the integration and compromise strategies, among conflict resolution strategies, had the double mediation effect on the association between rejection sensitivity and dating relationship satisfaction. In other words, a direct negative correlation between rejection sensitivity and dating relationship satisfation resulted in high rejection sensitivity, which was expected to generate low satisfaction in dating relationships. However, it was confirmed that the use of these two strategies-the cognitive emotion regulation and the conflict resolution strategy-could bring positive effects in terms of the dating relationship satisfaction; the former helped couples to see situations more broadly and increase positive perceptions, while the latter solve their problems each other. Based on these findings, we discuss their implications for counseling practice and therapeutic interventions

rejection sensitivity, dating relationship satisfaction, cognitive emotion regulation, conflict resolution strategy, collage students
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Korean Journal of School Psychology