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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Article Detail

The Effect of Socially Prescribed Perfectionism of University Student to Depression: Focusing on the Mediating Effects of Intolerance of Uncertainty and Rumination, Reflective Response Style


This study was conducted to verify the effects of socially prescribed perfectionism on depression as mediated by intolerance of uncertainty and either ruminating or reflective response styles, on as will as to find ways to effectively address depression as it presents in university students. For this purpose, 283 university students at the central region were assesed using data collected from the following surveys: the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale(CES-D), the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale(HMPS), the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale(IUS), and the Response to Depressed Mood Questionnaire(RDQ) and that were used to collect data. The results of this study are as follows. First, there was a positive correlation between the Intolerance of uncertainty and the rumination response style to the uncertainty of socially prescribed perfectionism, but not correlation the reflective response mode. Second, with respect to the relationship between socially prescribed perfectionism and depression, intolerance of uncertainty was set as the primary mediator variable and the rumination response style were set as the secondary mediator variables. The results shown to have a significant mediating effects. However this mediating effect was not significant when, in order to verify the mediating effect, we set the secondary mediator variable as the reflective response style. These results suggest that to prevent depression that manifests as socially prescribed perfectionism, it may be effective to intervene with a focus on the intolerance of uncertainty and the rumination response style. Finally, the implications and limitations of the study are discussed based on the results.

Depression, socially prescribed perfectionism, intolerance of uncertainty, rumination response style, reflective response style
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Korean Journal of School Psychology