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Korean Journal of School Psychology

A Validation Study on the School Adjustment Scale for Middle School Students


This study is to testify the construct validity of the school adjustment scale (Lee, 2005) for 634 middle school students (boy: 479, girl: 155) and criterion-related validity by simple correlation analysis of school adjustment scale with life-stress scale and depression scale (CES-D). The main results are as follows: First, Structural Equation Model (SEM) confirmed the fittness of the factor structure of the school adjustment scale for middle school students as ‘medicore fit’ (CFI=.993, NNFI=.985, RMSEA=.085). It was testified for its concept to be composed of 4 dimensions, schoolwork(study competence and value), school friends (friend relationship and cooperation), school teacher(teacher preference and intimacy), and school life(order & rule compliance and positive attitude to school life). Second, it was correlated significantly negatively with life stress scale and depression scale (CES-D), discriminant validity supported. The reliablility (Cronbach α) of schoolwork (.83), school friends (.87), school teacher (.90), school life (.85), and total items (.93) in school adjustment scale was moderate or good. The limitations of this study and suggestions for future research were discussed.

School Adjustment, Validation Study of School Adjustment Scale, 학교적응, 학교적응척도, 학교적응 구성개념, 확인적 요인분석



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Korean Journal of School Psychology