Reaction of lithiated pyridine with <TEX>$Me_2RSiCl$</TEX> and its identification with NMR spectroscopic methods(R
Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
1994, v.7 no.2, pp.187-191
Kim, Duk-Mook
Son, Byung-Yung
D., &
(1994). Reaction of lithiated pyridine with <TEX>$Me_2RSiCl$</TEX> and its identification with NMR spectroscopic methods(R. , 7(2), 187-191.
A reactive intermediate 1,2-dihydropyridine derivative 2 has been prepared and isolated from the reaction of pyridine with <TEX>$^tBuLi$</TEX> and trimethylchlorosilane in nonpolar condition at low temperature 2 has characterized by <TEX>$^1H-NMR$</TEX> fine structure analysis with SPINX3. The mechanistic information of formation of 2 was obtained from synthesized 2,5-disubstituted pyridine derivatives 3 and 4.
- keywords
<TEX>$^1H-NMR$</TEX> Spectrum,
Transition Metal oxides