ISSN : 1738-3188
This paper tried to chase how narrative forms are gendered while a conception of 'Modern Novel' is settled in early modern times based on 'new feminist narratology'. 'The omniscient point of view' seems to be objective however actually it is male-centered. 'The omniscient point of view' is men-gendered. In Mujong, on the viewpoint of gendered men who are deeply related to pro-japanese new intelletuals, his ideology is widespread naturally. Also, Mujong effectively fulfills desire of 'voyeurism' through various inner viewpoint. the way of seeing of voyeurism is basically made up of a view of men. One of the greatest characteristics of Mujong is 'interiority‘, it is made through streetwalking. In the streetwalking of Mujong, the world becomes invisible through the conversation of 'I and the other I'. The ideology of the past is exempted and the ideology of pro-japanese new intellectuals In, Mujong, Ri Hyongsik considers women as following two ways of seeing. One is a view of sexuality which is on the basis of sentient perception and the other is to think women as immature beings. Though the rearrangement of viewpoint on human, which thinks human as emotional beings, is made, it is owned only by men. The plot of Mujong is focused on self-consciousness and romance, however in case of women characters, those two plots do not exist or only one of them exist. Moreover, those two are not related in case of women. Ri Hyongsik fulfills his desire by protecting women and saving the people. Through his actions, the brand-new history which is male-centered is unfolded. The plot of Mujong is based on men's pleasure, and it is thoroughly masculate
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