ISSN : 1738-3188
This article aims at researching storytelling strategy of <Laputa: Castle in the Sky> with analyzing text. This article will contain followings. 1) understanding antinomic combination of adventurous fighting drama and postapocalypse, and its reason, 2) defining the strategy on same pattern and slip of intertextuality 3) understanding various meaning of Laputa with character and main conflict structure and defining the correlation between those meanings. Adventurous fighting drama was used as a dominant element for the antinomy of postapocalypse in <Laputa: Castle in the Sky>, and it results from enjoying movement itself. But postapocalypse is not weakened and it tries antinomy as dangerous coexistence, as the characteristic of adventurous fighting drama is reinforced. It makes clear defect in perfect narrative structure. The same pattern of synecdochic structure was given more weight, not the same pattern of theme, within postapocalypse triptych in <Laputa: Castle in the Sky>. Therefore it can maximize enjoyment of adventurous fighting drama focused on clear action. Though it shows disillusion about human with Muska, and will about life with Pazu and Sheeta, it's reasonable to see that it doesn't have only one center, but it's vibrating between two. This kind of vibration has grown acute as conflict in <Princess Mononoke>, and it results in converging into the will about life.
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